HFSINC Serving Communities with Sustainable Food

HFSINC Serving Communities with Sustainable Food

Give Today to Harvest Foods Inc!

Your donation will help support the local communities in sustaining farming through Harvest Food Inc.  Community Farming programs for sustainable and efficient way to grow food, and it can be a great way to help communities to access fresh food.

Harvest Foods Inc is a 501c3 Nonprofit any donations are a Tax deduction according to the IRS Tax codes. So thank you for your support.

Thank you for your support; William Reed Vice President and Joseph Malik Founder / President Harvest Foods Inc HFSINC.org

Harvest Food Inc’s Three Legs are Interconnected:

The farming land provides the produce that is sold at the HFSINC Roadside Stands. The local Chapters manage the Farms and Roadside Stands, and they also work with local artisans to sell their products.
The HFSINC Roadside Stands provide a convenient way for customers to purchase fresh, local food and products.
Harvest Food Inc.’s model is beneficial for both the HFSINC and the communities it serves. HFSINC can provide fresh, local food to its customers at a reasonable price.
The communities benefit from the economic activity that Harvest Food Inc. generates, as well as the access to fresh, local food.
Harvest Food Inc.’s commitment to sustainability and community development. The HFSINC model is believed to be replicated in other communities, Harvest Food Inc. continues to grow and succeed.
HFSINC Farmland Preservation plays a crucial role in safeguarding valuable agricultural land and ensuring a sustainable food supply for local communities.

The organizations work tirelessly to acquire and protect farmland from development, ensuring that it remains available for food production for generations to come.
HFSINC provides community programs for the young to the older generations to learn about the food that we eat and grow.

HFSINC can be the Heart of Your Community.

Harvest Foods Inc Affiliations

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